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流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注的英文

"流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注"怎么读


  • pour
  • "流出"英文翻译    outflow; effusion; runout; v ...
  • "涌"英文翻译    gush; well; pour; surge
  • "倒"英文翻译    reverse
  • "浇"英文翻译    pour liquid on; sprinkle wat ...
  • "浇灌"英文翻译    water; irrigate; potting
  • "块"英文翻译    piece; lump; chunk
  • "倾注"英文翻译    pour into; stream down into
  • "注"英文翻译    pour; irrigate
  • "顶部浇筑块" 英文翻译 :    crest block
  • "灌注,流出,倒" 英文翻译 :    pour
  • "敞口混凝土浇筑块" 英文翻译 :    open-end block; open-end concrete block
  • "涌" 英文翻译 :    涌名词[方言] (河汊, 多用于地名) a branch of a river
  • "浇" 英文翻译 :    浇名词(姓氏) a surname 浇或 ao yu
  • "倒,倾,泻,不断流出,下倾盆大雨" 英文翻译 :    pour vt
  • "倒" 英文翻译 :    倒动词1.(人或竖立的东西横躺下来) fall; topple 摔倒 fall over; 倒在地上 topple down to the ground; 风把树刮倒了。 the gale uprooted the tree. 那个疲劳的旅客往床上一倒就睡着了。 the tired traveller fell back on the bed and at once fell asleep.2.(事业失败; 垮台) collapse; fail 那家工厂倒了。 that factory has gone bankrupt. 内阁倒了。 the cabinet collapsed.3.(嗓子变低或变哑) (of voice) become hoarse 他的嗓子倒了。 he has lost his voice.4.(转移; 转换) change; exchange 倒肩 shift a burden from one shoulder to the other; 你愿意和我倒一下座位吗? will you change seats with me?5.(腾挪) move around 地方太小, 倒不开身。 there is no room to move around.6.(出倒) offer (house, shop) for sale7.(打倒) down with; down 倒阁 down with the cabinet
  • "注" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(灌入) pour; irrigate 浇注 pour; 大雨如注。 the rain poured down.; it's a downpour.2.(集中) concentrate on; fix on; focus on 专注 concentrate one's attention on; 全神贯注 concentrate on; be engrossed in, be preoccupied with3.(用文字来解释字句) annotate; explain with notes; give exegesis or explanation 评注 make commentary and annotation; give exegesis; 批注 provide critical and explanatory notes for; annotate4.(记载; 登记) record; register 给学生注册 register the students; 注入史册 record in historical recordsⅡ名词1.(赌注) stakes 下注 put up stakes; 孤注一掷 stake everything on a single throw2.(解释字句的文字) notes 附注 annotations; 脚注 footnote
  • "倾注" 英文翻译 :    1.(由上而下流入) pour into; stream down into 山涧向河里倾注。 a mountain stream pours into the rivers.2.(精力、感情等集中于一个目标) devote to; concentrate ... on; direct to; throw into 把全部心血倾注到研究工作中去 throw all one's energy into research work; 她把全部的爱都倾注在孩子身上。 she devotes all her love to her children
  • "浇灌" 英文翻译 :    1.(灌溉) water; irrigate; potting 浇灌菜地 irrigate the vegetable plot2.(灌进模子内) pour 浇灌混凝土 pour concrete
  • "浇筑" 英文翻译 :    laying; placement
  • "奔流;涌" 英文翻译 :    flush v. flow suddenly and freely
  • "涌,长浪" 英文翻译 :    swell
  • "建筑块" 英文翻译 :    building block
  • "砌筑块" 英文翻译 :    masonry block
  • "流出" 英文翻译 :    outflow; effusion; runout; vegetate; runoff; profluvium; discharge 水从桶的孔里流出来。 the water drained out of the hole in the pail.; 流出管 effuser; 流出角 efflux angle; 流出口 outlet; outcome; portal; 流出量 [流] discharge; 流出速度 rate of outflow; 流出体积修正 drainage correction; 流出物 effluence; effluent; efflux; discharge 流出系数 efflux coefficient; 流出液 effluent liquid; effluent; 流出油 effluent oil
  • "倒a高达" 英文翻译 :    turn a gundam
流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注的英文翻译,流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注,流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注的英文意思,流出 涌 倒 澆 澆灌 澆筑塊 傾注 注的英文流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注 meaning in English流出 涌 倒 澆 澆灌 澆筑塊 傾注 注的英文流出 涌 倒 浇 浇灌 浇筑块 倾注 注怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。